Friday 16 October 2020

Flesh Tearers Infiltrators Complete

Finally I have managed to finish off the last two models in my Flesh Tearers Primaris Infiltrators squad.

I decided to swap out their original heads for a couple of Blood Angels upgrades as well as giving them some Flesh Tearers shoulder pads to reinforce their image as true sons of Sanguinius.

These models were a real joy to paint; the sculpts are so crisp and clean that they make edge highlighting a relatively enjoyable experience. I’m pretty certain I have nailed the palette for the Flesh Tearers now.

Now that I have finished this squad I think I’ll either start work on a squad of Primaris Reivers (to continue the Phobos Armour theme) or possibly resurrect my old 30k Iron Warriors Project!

Stay tuned for more......

Sunday 27 September 2020

Flesh Tearers Infiltrators

Well with the Incursor squad recently completed for my Flesh Tearers force I thought I would continue the theme and do some more sneaky Primaris marines in the form of an Infiltrator squad!

These models are actually a variant build from the same box set as the Incursors and as such they are also clad in the same Phobos pattern MK X Armour that has been designed for covert operations and stealth work.

Like all the Primaris range these guys are beautiful sculpts and a real joy to paint. I really like the clean lines and realistic look of the models.

Having completed three of the five man squad my next task will be to finish off the remaining two models including the sergeant.

I’ll probably give them a head swap to make them look a little more like the descendants of Sanguinius that they are!!

Stay tuned for updates.....

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Final Two Flesh Tearers Complete!!

So I have managed to finish off the final two Incursors for this squad! This now brings the unit up to full strength where I can get to use it in battles!

I have to say these guys look really cool and I love the aesthetic of the Vanguard Space Marines in general! They look like they actually belong on a battlefield and could do some real damage!

I’m very much enjoying painting my Flesh Tearers at the moment, and I think I’ll probably crack on within a few more Primaris squads for this Force....

Though I also really fancy going back to expand my Horus Heresy Iron Warriors soon! 

Hmmmmmmm... decisions, decisions! 

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Flesh Tearers Primaris Incursors

So after gradually getting back into the swing of things I have completed three of the new Space Marine Primaris Incursors...

I really like these guys and think they look suitably awesome and relatively realistic... in a sci-fi way!

I have painted them up for my ever growing Flesh Tearers Army where their ‘infiltrate’ ability will allow them to scout ahead of the main force and start harassing my opponent from turn one!

I will complete the squad with another two battle brothers ASAP so that the unit is at full strength!

Overall I am really pleased with how these guys have turned out, especially the computer-gizmo mounted on this chap’s wrist!!

As ever I am impressed with the Primaris aesthetic which made these guys a sheer joy to paint!

Monday 31 August 2020

Flesh Tearers Space Marine (Smash) Captain

Greetings all!! And apologies to my readers for my extended absence!!!

Unfortunately as many of you know I work for the uniformed services and thanks to COVID the last few months have been ridiculously busy! Therefore sadly hobby time has been minimal!!

However I have had a bit of time recently so I’m trying to push forward with some projects. As such led me present my latest Flesh Tearers character... yet another Smash Captain!!

However I have armed this guy with a (very old school) plasma pistol instead of a storm shield, which means that he can also easily be used as a Lieutenant!

Overall I am very pleased with how this chap has turned out, and I am looking forward to seeing how he performs in the newly released ninth edition of 40k!

Monday 2 March 2020

Another Flesh Tearers Smash Captain

I enjoyed making my Flesh Tearers Smash Captain so much last week that I decided to make another one!! That’s right... I have made a second smash captain!!
Once again I decided to arm him with a mighty Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield in order to deliver excessive damage on all his targets and then be able to weather the inevitable retaliatory strikes. 

Monday 24 February 2020

Flesh Tearers Smash Captain

So as promised in my last post I have spent this week working on an HQ Character to lead my steadily expanding Flesh Tearers Force into battle for Sanguinius and the Emperor of Mankind.

Sunday 16 February 2020

Completed... Flesh Tearers Sternguard Squad!!

I finally decided to finish off my Flesh Tearers Sternguard Squad this week by painting up the last four miniatures that were required to bring the unit up to a full ten marines.
As per the previous brethren I painted last week; I constructed these chaps using a mixture of components sourced from a variety of Citadel kits.

The primary base for all of them were the Maximus Armour models from the MKIV Tactical squad as this remains my favourite armour Mark.

Monday 10 February 2020

More Flesh Tearers Sternguard Veterans

So this week I’ve continued to build up my squad of Flesh Tearer Sternguard Veterans in order to bring them up to battle ready strength.
Again the main bulk of these miniatures came from the MK IV Horus Heresy Tactical Squad with a few additions from the Blood Angels Tactical Squad and some MK III bits.

Sunday 2 February 2020

Flesh Tearers Sternguard Veterans

So I’ve decided to stick with bulking out my Flesh Tearers Army for the next few weeks as I want to bring the force up to a playable (and relatively competitive) size.
I’m forcing myself not to buy any more models until I have whittled down my outstanding tons of unpainted plastic! Therefore I assembled these models solely with what I had to hand.

Monday 13 January 2020

Flesh Tearers Primaris Librarian (Shadowspear)

So my second model for 2020 is now complete... and here we have another cool-looking character for my Flesh Tearers Army...

Continuing with my noble goal of working through my huge unpainted pile of plastic for this year I have randomly selected the Primaris Librarian from the Shadowspear boxset.

Sunday 5 January 2020

Flesh Tearer’s Primaris Captain... First model of 2020

So my goal (and indeed my main New Year’s Resolution) for 2020 is to proactively work through finishing off my existing pile of unpainted grey plastic. 
I have loads of models that I have acquired over the last few decades as part of assorted projects that are now stacked up in the corner of my painting room waiting for some sort of loving attention.