Sunday 31 March 2019

New Necron Cryptek!

My mission to recreate the old ‘Battle at Sanctuary 101’ from 1997’s White Dwarf continues apace and this week I have finished yet another Cryptek to Command my Necron aggressors in this scenario.

Sunday 24 March 2019

40k Battle Report - Crimson Fists and Battle Sisters vs Grey Knights

I finally managed to get a game of 40k in this weekend, and so I used it as an opportunity to try out my growing Adepta Sororitas Force prior to the refight of Sanctuary 101 that I have planned for later in the year.

Sunday 17 March 2019

Orikan The Diviner... Necron Special Character

Having spent the last few weeks focusing on expanding my Battle Sisters for the refight of the Battle at Sanctuary 101 I decided it was time to go back and work on my Necrons. 

This time around I focussed on my first named special character for this faction... Orikan the Diviner l, who is basically a Cryptek on Steroids.

Sunday 10 March 2019

Sisters of Battle Celestians

More fighters for my impending recreation of the 1997 ‘Battle at Sanctuary 101’ have been painted this week. 

This time around we have a veteran sister superior and a celestian for my ever expanding Sisters of Battle Force.

Friday 1 March 2019

Sisters of Battle Imagifiers

So I’ve painted up a few more Sisters of Battle Imagifiers this week in order to further bolster my steadily growing Adepta Sororitas forces who will be accompanying their sisters in a refight of the ‘Battle at Sanctuary 101’.