Sunday 1 September 2024

Rogue Trader Blood Angels - Oldhammer

Here they are... a full ten man, 1990s Tactical Squad that I have painted in the style of White Dwarf circa 1992. These chaps are destined for my service in my Rogue Trader Blood Angels army!

This brings the blog back to its roots of a celebration of all things Oldhammer!

Due to the size of the squad I’ve had to divide the photo in two to make it fit in frame!

I am really pleased with how these guys have turned out. I think I’ve captured the retro oldhammer/oldendemon vibe!! I’m sure they’ll be doing battle on some old school terrain fairly soon! 

Let me know what you think!

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Flesh Tearers Land Raider

Well… after a 3 and a half year absence from the blog I thought it was finally time to make my return! 

And for my first new post I have decided to return to my one true love… Flesh Tearers Space Marines in 28mm. 

For too long my ferocious second sons of Sanguinius have been slogging around the battlefield on foot… and in my recent games of third edition 40K this lack of mobility has been a real hindrance

As such I have decided the time has come to give these melee specialists some armoured support to ferry them around the battlefield.

My first vehicle for this chapter is this Land Raider Crusader which has taken me a significant amount of time to build and paint; but I am happy with the end result.

I am looking forward to watching this beast hopefully dominate my next few games (or get one shotted on the first turn)!

Next up I’m going to do some Rhinos and Razorbacks to travel in the wake of this mighty behemoth!

Sunday 8 August 2021

Rogue Trader Blood Angels… a new project!!

So after spending a few years of focusing on some more modern models I have returned to the original premise of this blog… Classic Astartes!

In light of this I have made up a couple of squads of late Rogue Trader (1990/92) Space Marines in Mk VII Aquila pattern power armour.

I must admit that I really have a soft spot for these old models as they were the first miniatures that I bought and painted back when I initially got into the hobby! I literally can’t believe that was over thirty years ago.

I spent ages flicking through numerous old publications deciding what Chapter to paint these guys; eventually settling on the Blood Angels as they were my first force… plus I really like painting red!

I have decided to go with a painting style that is as similar to that used by the ‘Eavy Metal team in the late 1980s/early 1990s as possible! I want these guys to look like the gorgeously painted models I used to stare at in White Dwarf as a kid!

These models are an absolute joy to paint and for me it was like traveling back in time as I got started on painting them! I am really looking forward to seeing what they look like when they are finished!

A real trip down memory lane for me was painting up these original bolters and the squad’s heavy weapon. These old guns are just so cool!!

Now I’ve caught the bug I think I’m going to end up doing a full force of these ferocious space marines.

Sunday 1 August 2021

More Chaos Cultists!!

Having enjoyed painting up the pair of Chaos Cultists last week I decided to dig out a couple more of these models to expand my futuristic forces of evil. 

I chose two identical models to demonstrate that with a bit of thought and variety in the selected paint schemes then it is possible to make them look both distinct and different.

It was great fun to paint up these guys as the combination of flesh, robes and leather made a nice change from the smooth curves and lines of power armour that I usually end up painting!! 

I tried to give them a suitably worn, rusted and grubby look to show that these debased heretics spend little time caring for their equipment.

I am really pleased with the final look of the models and I’m sure I will revisit the range in the near future as I’d like a small detachment of these guys for a skirmish/RPG campaign I’m looking at running!

Sunday 25 July 2021

Chaos Cultists!!!

After a fair old time spent painting different types of Space Marines in power armour I thought it was time to do something a bit different just to break up the monotony…
With this in mind I dug old some Chaos Cultists that have been sitting in my pile of shame since they were released in the Dark Vengeance box set back in 2012! (Christ… where did that decade go!)

This gave me a chance to work on some different materials such as fabric and leather; which make a nice change from the smooth ceramite of Space Marine power armour.

I really want to run a narrative, quasi-RPG 40K game soon, with a number of different factions who have normal ‘human’ individuals as the protagonists. These guys will probably form the basis of the chaos cohort for that campaign.

Overall these guys were fun to paint up, so I have already built and undercoated a couple more which I’m planning to work on next!