Sunday 24 February 2019

Necron Cryptek - Sanctuary 101

Given that the force of Necrontyr that attacked the facility at Sanctuary 101 was so big that it managed to completely obliterate the Sisters of Battle convent on the planet it makes sense that it was probably well led and efficiently organised.

Therefore this week I have spent some time filling out one of the mandatory HQ slots for my growing Necron Force.

Sunday 17 February 2019

Classic Sisters of Battle Imagifiers

So my plans to recreate the Battle at Sanctuary 101 continue at a pace! 

This week I decided bolster my Sororitas by painting up a couple of classic Sisters of Battle Imagifiers/Signifiers/Standard Bearers.

Sunday 10 February 2019

Urban Scenery for the Battle at Sanctuary 101!

Following on from my last few posts I’ve decided that I will be responding to Suber’s encouragement and definitely refighting the classic Battle at Sanctuary 101 between the Sisters of Battle and the Necrons.

Having thought about this I’ve also made the decision that I want to revamp my scenery/terrain in order to ensure that the battlefield looks suitably impressive for  a refight of this legendary skirmish. 

Whilst perusing a well-known online auction site I recently managed to find this piece of the original ‘Citadel Urban Terrain set’ that was launched alongside the first Codex: Cityfight back in 2001 in new condition.

Saturday 2 February 2019

Necron Reinforcements... More Immortals!

So after my post last week (and Suber’s subsequent encouragement) I have decided that I will definitely be expanding both my Necron and Adepta Sororitas force’s so that I can refight the classic ‘Battle at Sanctuary 101’. This was the first encounter between the Imperium and the Necrons, and it originally started out as a second edition 40k battle report way back in 1997.