Sunday 28 January 2018

Epic Space Marine Battle Report!

So with my new found focus on 6mm goodness I've managed to fit in yet another game of Epic: Space Marine (second edition) with my regular opponent. 

There is no greater fun than fielding an entire Space Marine chapter and so once again we went huge win the size of this game... with total forces at around 7000 points per side which allowed me to field both my newly completed Terminator and Veteran Companies for my Flesh Tearers.

Sunday 21 January 2018

Epic Space Marine - Flesh Tearers - Special Characters and Terminators - 6mm

I very luckily managed to have another game of second edition EPIC (aka Space Marine) recently (battle report to follow at some point soon) and as ever it was exceptionally good fun with mass-devastation achieved by the end of turn three. There is something very satisfying about being able to field an entire Chapter of Space Marines during a game without having to have a playing area the size of a football pitch.

One thing that did shine through during the game is that Special Characters (as featured on the SPECIAL cards) are a vital tool in maximising the combat effectiveness of your troops. Much like the most recent edition of 28mm 40k (8th Ed) Characters in this game act more as force multipliers by driving up the potency of nearby units as opposed to being combat powerhouses in their own right.

I already have a number of Special Characters in my Dark Angels force but my Flesh Tearers were noticeably lacking in this field. So I as soon as I finished the game I went straight to my Epic Bitz Box to set about rectifying this issue in preparation for my next battle.

Space Marine Force Commander (Chapter Master)

Monday 15 January 2018

Primaris Intercessors Crimson Fists

Well I’ve managed to finish my second squad of Primaris Marines; and again they were great fun to paint.

Friday 12 January 2018

New Outremer Blog!

Well guys... the time is nearly here for my wargames book to be published. Outremer: Faith and Blood will be released by Osprey Games on April 19th 2018 (though it is already on pre-order now for anyone who is interested).

It is a skirmish game set during the time of the Crusades and revolves around fighting campaigns where you can watch small bands of warriors become powerful characters as they gain skills and reputation.

With this in mind I have set up a new blog where I can keep all my Outremer: Faith and Blood Posts under one roof! Please go over and have a look:

Have no fear... I will not be neglecting this blog and all my other content (40k, Rogue Trader, Space Hulk, EPIC, Fallout, etc.) will continue to be published here.

Tuesday 9 January 2018

2017 - A Review: Final Part

So here we are for the final look back at 2017 and this time I am going to focus on the various miscellaneous projects that I undertook throughout the year. 

First up let's start with something big... very big indeed...