Sunday 24 June 2018

WIP: Flesh Tearers Drop Pods

So my latest project has been inspired by my recent efforts to update and re-touch my Flesh Tearer infantry models.

After having gone to great effort to produce such nice looking close combat troops I knew that I had to give them some form of transport in order to swiftly get them into melee with the enemy.

Sunday 17 June 2018

Broadside Wargames Show

Now as many of you probably know I am a big believer in doing my upmost to remain active within the hobby and taking part in as many gaming events as possible throughout the year. 

I do this for a number of reasons... primarily it’s because I absolutely love the hobby and really just enjoy any hobby related activities. However the second reason is that I believe if our hobby is to survive into the future then we all need to do our part to support it.

Saturday 9 June 2018

White Dwarf!! My Crimson Fists!

For those of you who are getting this month’s White Dwarf  I am pleased to say that if you turn to page 134 you will see my Crimson Fists Hellblasters in all their glory!!

Saturday 2 June 2018

Battle Report: Crimson Fists vs Dark Angels

I thankfully managed to get another game of 8th Edition 40k in recently with one of my regular opponents.

I am happy to say that we have been getting some fairly frequent games in of late and are still greatly enjoying the latest edition of the rules.