Saturday 9 June 2018

White Dwarf!! My Crimson Fists!

For those of you who are getting this month’s White Dwarf  I am pleased to say that if you turn to page 134 you will see my Crimson Fists Hellblasters in all their glory!!

I am immensely proud of this achievement. Like most of us I have been an avid reader of this magazine ever since I was a little fella (way back in the late 1980s) and the models featured within it have always inspired my own painting and hobby activities.

To finally see some of my own models featured in the magazine is just fantastic! And a little bit of me hopes that my models might inspire someone else somewhere in relation to their hobby activities!!!


  1. Congratulations, that is awesome! I have always wanted to get my stuff in White Dwarf, it's like a pinnacle lots of folks in this hobby would love to reach. Again, well done!!!

    1. Cheers mate! I’m chuffed to bits; it’s been a hobby goal of mine for years! So I’m pleased I finally achieved it!

  2. I thought I recognised them!

    Congratulations on getting a magazine feature!

    1. Cheers mate!! I’ve submitted a few more models so maybe they’ll turn up too at some point!

  3. Congratulations! Not a surprise yet, this is most deserved! :)

  4. Congrats! Really nicely painted models.

  5. Congratulations, I think we've all got that little part of us that wants to get printed in White Dwarf.

    I've just never really had the stones to try.

    1. Thanks mate!! It’s always worth a try... let’s just say this definitely wasn’t my first submission to the magazine!!

  6. Thanks Phil!! The only thing on my hobby bucket list above this was to get Outremer: Faith and Blood printed!! :)

  7. Well done. Nice looking Fists, good sir.
