Saturday 27 July 2019

Another Sons of Horus Demi-Squad!

This week I’ve churned out yet another Demi-Squad of Tactical Marines for my Sons of Horus 30k Force.

Sunday 21 July 2019

Sons of Horus 30k Tactical Marines

Sometimes I stare sadly at my hobby desk and look at my piles of unfinished projects and think to myself... I really must complete them!

This happened to me this week as I stared at some Sons of Horus Mk III Infantry that I had initially started work on about five years ago. 

Sunday 7 July 2019

Even More Kasrkin/ Inquisitorial Storm Troopers!

Having thoroughly enjoyed my work on the old school Storm Troopers (Kasrkin) last week I decided to paint another five this week in order to bring this up to a full sized ten man squad.
I opted for a second plasma gun in this unit as these weapons are just so potent in 8th Edition 40k and Kill Team... I’m definitely planning to use these guys in both games.

I absolutely loved painting these warriors... they are such crisp, beautiful models to paint. There’s something about the hefty weight and feel of metal models that I still love.

I now have three squads of these classic Storm Troopers, so I might have to do some HQ options soon in order to make this a legitimate battlefield detachment!