Saturday, 3 August 2019

Flesh Tearers in MK IV Maximus Armour!

Despite being forced to work the weekend and thus missing out on BOYL 19 and the second edition 40k tournament I had organised I still managed to churn out three models this week.

I’ve done two tactical marines and a tactical sergeant for my slowly growing Flesh Tearers army.  These guys will initially find themselves taking part in games of Kill Team before graduating onto the full 40k (and maybe Apocalypse) battlefields of the Dark Millenium.

Keeping in line with my pre-existing theme of the army only wearing older suits of power armour I made these chaps from the MK IV Maximus Armour (Horus Heresy) box... with a few additions to spice them up a bit!

Overall I’m really pleased with these guys and I have to admit that for a two-colour paint scheme they were still relatively quick to paint. 

I’ll probably do a few more this week and try to push them to a full tactical squad... I’m really enjoying the Plasma!!


  1. Well, you have reasons to be pleased, they are fantastic, mate!

    1. Cheers mate! I can’t wait to get them on the table and killing the foes of the Emperor!

  2. They look great! The face on the sergeant looks fantastic.

    1. Cheers bud! I’m particularly proud of his face!
