Sunday, 13 October 2019

Two More Crimson Fists Primaris Reivers

In order to bring my new Reiver Squad up to a strength where they are ‘legal’ for gaming purposes I have now painted up another two models. 
These guys are a couple of the Easy-to-Build variants that I have had lying around since I got the Dark Imperium and First Strike boxsets a couple of years back when eighth edition was first released.

In all honesty I’ve been researching the rules for these warriors this week and I’m not entirely sure how useful they really are. 

Unlike most of the other Phobos/Vanguard Marines these guys can’t use ‘concealed deployment’, which is a little disappointing.

That being said they are absolutely awesome looking models. I really like the intimidating skull masks that they wear, it’s a pretty impressive aesthetic. Actually I am looking at re-writing the Kill Team rules for my primary gaming group; so perhaps these chaps will see some use in that arena....


  1. Can't say a word about the rules, but they look scary as hell! Good job!

    1. Cheers mate.... hopefully they’ll terrify my mates Grey Knights into submission!

  2. Very nice clean painjob on these guys. They certainly look the part, whatever the rules may say!

    1. Cheers Toby! I’m looking forward to seeing how they actually perform on the battlefield!

  3. Fantastic brushwork, really great stuff.

    1. Thanks mate! I do love painting Crimson Fists!
