Thursday 2 July 2015

My First Retro Wargames Article

As many of you will know I have been writing this blog for nearly two years now (wow....time flies) and it has been something of a medium of expression for my love of all things retro and Oldhammer related!

I like to consider myself one of the more proactive members of the community and I spend a fair proportion of my time (both online and in the dreaded real world) espousing the virtues of all things retro in the hope of turning more converts to our noble past time.

Well I have recently upped my game a bit (excuse the pun) and have had a full article on retro gaming published in a well-known games magazine. That's right, my article entitled 'Out with the New and in with the Old' can be found in the latest issue of Wargames, Strategy and Soldiers (WSS).

I am really proud to have my words in print, and even prouder that I have been able to give our niche hobby some well-deserved attention in a mainstream publication, I am hoping that it will spark off some more interest from the gaming community as a whole...and possibly draw some more new recruits to the cause!

The article itself is a two page spread covering the rise in popularity of retro-gaming in the last few years, and I like to think that it covers the topic concisely but with sufficient depth. I urge you to give it a read and let me know what you think (I always welcome feedback and constructive criticism). The good news is that the editor has already asked me to write another article, so hopefully this won't be the last you see of me.

Issue 79 of WSS went on sale yesterday so should be available in most larger high street news agents, if not it is available online!




  1. I look forward to reading it Legio!

  2. Hope to manage to get a copy (tricky in France) but congrats for your publication and here's to more !

    1. Thanks pal; they are a European publisher based in Holland so hopefully they'll be on sale in France!!

  3. Congratulations - haven't bought a wargames magazine since White Dwarf in the 90's and this would be as good an excuse as any!

    1. Cheers... Hopefully the article will be worth the investment ;-)

  4. First the article in Miniatures Wargaming, and now this! Oldhammer is in serious danger of becoming mainstream. Look forward to picking the magazine up.

    1. I know.... Pretty soon they'll be Oldhammer shops on the high street... Where you can buy three lead models for two quid or a box of thirty plastic models for under a tenner!

      I hope you enjoy the article mate; let me know what you think.

  5. Great work Legio, you're a legend.

    1. Cheers Bruno; I'm just pleased to be able to spread the word about our glorious hobby to the masses!
