Sunday 11 May 2014

More Titan Progress....

I haven't posted about the Titans that I'm painting for Oldhammer Day 2014 for a couple of weeks so I thought I would knock up a quick post in order to share their progress. 

The aforementioned progress has unfortunately been pretty slow of late due to other commitments so I've not done as much as would like... That being said I am happy with the results so far. Currently I have two Warlords complete (except for back banners) and two Warhounds ready to rock.

I didn't like the spare hole on the carapace of the Warlords and so I paid through the nose for some carapace mounted defence lasers from a trader on EBay. They look pretty cool; hide the unsightly gap and might be of some use in the money well spent!!

Here is Warlord number one; with a vast assortment of anti-armour/anti-titan weapons bristling from every extremity. As you can see I've gone for classic 90s bright colours; and have tried to limit my palette to predominantly red, yellow and black.

This Warlord is a bit more anti-infantry in nature; he also has the Legio Titanicus symbol painted free hand on his left greave.

The first Warhound  is equipped with a turbo laser and Vulcan mega-bolter (note the spent shell casings littering the base). I also hand painted a titan symbol on his carapace....

The second warhound wields a glowing plasma blaster coupled with a turbo laser....

Again I gave him the Titanicus symbol; this time it is emblazoned proudly on the greave of his leg...

These are the only God-Engines that I've completed for now; so those of you who've been following my progress will notice that I'm still outstanding a Reaver and Warlord Titan. These models are still in progress and I'm hoping I'll finish them in the not too distant future.

Here is a final group shot to finish off for today...


  1. Well done sir - they look great.

    1. Cheers Conrad; I'm happy with the way they're shaping up!!

  2. Hi!

    Lovely work on the Titan Legion! Its such a shame that they have been out of production for so long as they are some of the most iconic sculpts from Citadel and the old 6 titan box was great!

    All the best!

    1. Cheers mate. I agree; these titans will always be what I perceive a Warlord to look like!

      As an aside I've managed to secure an Imperator Titan on EBay; so I am eagerly awaiting its arrival!!

  3. I'm really impressed by the look of them. It's quite a rare sight to have so much titans painted in a coherent paintstyle along each other.
    The 2 big boys will make the band go from awesome to übercool.

    1. Yeah; this was why I decided to paint them all as one group as it would lend a coherence to colour scheme that might be lacking if I built up the force piece meal. I'm not going to lie it's been pretty hard (seven layers of paint for every piece of good banding...and don't even get me started on painting yellow chevrons from a black undercoat); but it's been worth it!

    2. I get what you mean, I'm a batch painter myself, never able to paint one model at a time. It's why I realise you 've gone th ehard way for them.
      They're splendid.

    3. Yeah; I feel the same about batch painting; it's a long slog... But it's great to see the collective results at the end!!

  4. Loving these, you've done a really great job on them. Are the weapons removable? I have 2 boxes of warlords and an imperator in the mancave, but I'm unsure how to approach them. What rules are you using?

    1. Many thanks. The arm mounts are glued into place; but the carapace weapons are removeable and so can be swapped around for increased flexibility ease of transportation. I am using the Space Marine 1991 (Second Edition) ruleset augmented by the upgraded Titan List from WD and reprinted in the Space Marine Battles book (1993) prior to the release of Titan Legions (1994). I've yet to play a game with them yet; so I will let you know how these rules work out. Overall I can't wait to field them!

    2. I might leave mine free too, they peg into place easily enough. I'll be awaiting your review on the what you think of rules!

    3. It gives you that added degree of flexibility when sorting out weapon options; I'd recommend leaving the carapace ones free but gluing the arm ones as their connectors are pretty fragile (I.e. Wank).

  5. Good to see those finished, they look absolutely stunning next to each other!


    1. Cheers mate; I can't wait to get the other two done...then into the free hand banners!!
