Monday 16 December 2019

Blood Angels Terminator Captain - Rogue Trader

With two squads of old school 1980s Blood Angels Terminators under my belt I decided that the time had arrived to give them an equally venerable character. Theo’s fellow would be responsible for leading them on their deadly missions against the encroaching Genestealer menace!
So this week I have been working hard on painting up an original Terminator Captain (complete with auxiliary wrist mounted grenade launcher) to command these first company veterans in the field of battle... and in the narrow confines of a Space Hulk!

I stuck with the same old school red colour scheme that I have been using on the rest of this force and I think it looks really good....Especially with the addition of a thirty year old chapter decal!

I also gave him the cool looking bleached blond hair that exemplified the Blood Angels of this period (See the Space Hulk and Space Crusade covers for evidence of this)!

As ever I finished him off with an original goblin green base to set that 1980s/1990s tone!

Once again this chap was a joy to paint; there is just something about these classic models that is a real pleasure to work on! 


  1. Dammit, it's beautiful. Your crisp paintjob suits perfectly these old models. Wow.

    1. Cheers Suber! I’m really
      Enjoying painting them all!!

  2. Top notch brushwork! I believe I still got this model as well, one of my favourites.

    1. Thanks Wouter! He is also one of my favourite models of all time!!

  3. I'm currently embarking on a similar space hulk reminiscent project. Your Captain looks brilliant. I've just primed my first squad for painting. I've always wondered how thus guy drew his power sword.....
